Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I Am Shopped Out!

"One for you, One for me. One for you, Two for me."

I usually love Christmas Shopping. I typically buy more stuff for myself, always on sale, than for anybody else. I also really enjoy being out and among 'em at the malls and stores - for a while. Then, when it gets stressful and not fun, I go home.

This year, I just wasn't in to it. Black Friday starting at 2:00 PM Thanksgiving Day was offensive. I don't need a damn thing (so I didn't have anything to shop for). For the most part, the people I need to give gifts to don't need anything either. Besides (like me) if they want something, they go buy it.

I didn't think the sales were particularly good this year. Everything I saw fell in to the "same ol' shit" category or else the "why would they possibly think I want that" category.

I did find some cool presents for my important peeps. Things they won't expect and wouldn't have thought of.

But the result of all of the above is that for the first time ever, I'm done - long before Christmas. Every present is bought, paid for, wrapped and ready.

I've even had time to burn myself out on Christmas carols, both listening to them and playing them. I still have to get Handel's Messiah in sometime this year. Maybe this weekend.

Then it will be time to have Christmas and be done with it. I think I'm ready.