Saturday, December 28, 2013

First New Year's Resolution:

"I may require an intervention."

I have a lot to say about the New Year, and it's coming. But today, I wish to formally announce to the world my first New Year's Resolution for 2014.

I resolve to refrain from purchasing or acquiring through other means any new shoes, boots, sandals, flip flops, slippers or variations thereof."

I am a shoe whore. I admit it. And I'm changing that next year.

Somebody was giving Nephew #4 of Six a hard time Christmas Day because nobody needs 10 pair of shoes. He was explaining why he needed the new pair he just opened so badly. I, always the good uncle, came to the boy's defense by confessing that I probably have forty pair - not including the ones I've shoved aside that don't fit or are so worn out they've been relegated to yard work attire (not that I do any, but 'there's a shoe for that').

And I realize that I have, in typical form for me, way overdone the shoe thing.

So I will recognize I have a problem and deal with it like a man. Does anyone know of a 12 step program for shoe addicts like me? Does each step require a different pair of shoes?

In preparation for my hiatus from shoe acquisitions, I got one pair for Christmas and bought three more pair during after Christmas sales already. But I'm drawing the line, by God.

No More Shoes.

I may cry now...