Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wellness and Strength Starts With The Mouth

"The only thing I got from my British heritage is bad teeth."

I have terrible teeth. It's not really the only British stereotype in my life, but it's the most prominent. My family has always had bad teeth as far back as I can remember. It's just a little mean of God to make human beings live for 70-80 years, but give them teeth that only last 45.

Of course there are two approaches: One is to fight the inevitable from an early age and probably lose anyway. The second is let things happen and deal with whatever unfolds. I chose the second way. But now we know that oral health is directly related to overall health more closely than anyone thought when I was young.

As I pay attention this year to Wellness and Strength, I cannot ignore my mouth any longer. I don't have any dental problems, but I don't pay enough attention to my mouth. Smoking for 27 years didn't help either. As it relates to Wellness, I have started paying attention to three areas specifically related to my mouth.

First is what goes in. I am trying to eat better.

Second is oral hygiene. I'm brushing, flossing and mouthwashing. I still hate my teeth. I'm playing the 'all things work together' card.

Third is what comes out. I'm watching my "yes's" and 'no's" pretty carefully, and starting to do more healthy things by saying more healthy things first.

We know that heart disease and gum disease are closely related. Preventing gum disease prevents heart disease too.

We know that we are what we eat. I'm living proof. Eating better is being better.

We know that what we say is what we become.

Maybe I can figure out the nutrition, exercise, weight loss, wellness and strength equation. That is hard. I'm working on it. But to the extent that it starts with the mouth, I can, "Watch My Mouth".