Thursday, November 21, 2013

Vancouver Bans Door Knobs. Really?

"And I thought Oklahoma City trying to ban E-Cigarettes was bad."

So, as if the world needs proof that government is getting too big, to invasive, too restrictive, too much, our neighbor to the north drives the point home.

Do we really need government on any level meddling with how we open doors? Whether a door is opened with a knob or a lever just doesn't seem to pass the importance test as far as I'm concerned. The fact that there are city councils, county commissioners, state committees and federal agencies that have absolutely nothing better to do than study such things demonstrates clearly that there should be no budget deficits. There is a lot of money that just doesn't need to be spent.

I could rant about this forever, and get totally depressed for the future of human life. No wonder government is so broke. If I catch anyone in our business worrying about such trivial issues, I make it a point to give them something more important to worry about. On one occasion, I suggested that a certain employee work on his resume instead of the BS he was so worked up about.

What a bunch of crap! I think I'll use the door knob on my office door to close it long enough for a nap so I can forget I read about Vancouver banning door knobs.