Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen

"It doesn't work in Europe."

I can find absolutely nothing profound to say about 11/12/13. I can't even think of anything smart-ass to say about it. But it's still cool.

Somebody should have predicted the end of the world today. It makes as much sense as 12/21/12. But as far as I can tell nobody did.

(Does that actually make it more probable that the world will end sometime today?)

So I thought of an idea. Why can't eleven/twelve/thirteen be a day when something good happens to each and every person on the planet? That is every bit as likely as doomsday, isn't it? Or perhaps today can be a day that begins a whole new cycle of goodness such that the world has never experienced before. What if today could be a day when the whole culture shifts from self centered, self saturation to something better?

Well, it's just a thought.