Thursday, November 14, 2013

It Was So Fun The First Time

"Mom's going back for more heart stints."

I took my mom to the cardiologist for her follow up appointment after her heart attack. They said she's recovering nicely and they want to schedule the procedure for the other two stints in a couple or three weeks. They're telling us it's not nearly as traumatic when we do it on purpose - and not in the middle of a coronary 'incident'.

Mom is doing much better. She's almost back to where she was before the first incident. Maybe gets tired a little quicker.

I'm recovering too. Most people lose their parents at some point in life. The other way around is really not fair. Parents should never have to bury their children. I lost my dad in 1991. I probably came closer than I want to know about to losing Mom a couple of weeks ago. Of course I had to think about that a little. Books have been written on losing loved ones and coping with it. I think I shall not need to read them.

At Mom's house while she was in the hospital, I looked around at all of the accumulated stuff from several generations of our family. It's all the stuff that Mom loves. I love a little of it too, but not much. I remember thinking that when she dies, all of this will turn to dust as far as I'm concerned. Then I thought about how callous that would sound if I put it in my blog.

I don't mean for it to be callous or hard hearted. It's just how it is. I have been a good son to Mom, and she has been a terrific mother. The day will come when that role is completed for both of us. When she dies, I will miss her. But I will not grieve much. I have no regrets. I've lived my life the way I have for these 50 years to avoid having to look at someone important that I've lost, regretting things that I did (or didn't) do or say.

I know. That all sounds good. We'll see what happens when the time comes.

The good news is, that day is not today.