Friday, October 4, 2013

The Government Shuts Down

"...and I've got a picture of Richard Pryor!"

Sometime back, so long ago I can't remember the source, someone was babbling on about something meaningless. Not wanting to be rude and say, "Who gives a shit?", somebody interjected that they had a picture of Richard Pryor.

That has now become the standard way around our office of politely telling someone that you're not interested in whatever they're talking about.

"I saw the coolest thing on Duck Dynasty last night!"

"Really? Wow! I've got a picture of Richard Pryor!"

I have personally used that line many times on telemarketers. It stops them cold.

I used it once in the middle of a company meeting when by brother announced some actually important event. Once everyone quit laughing, the announcement was actually much more effective.

So now our government is supposedly shut down. and who cares?

People who count on the government for handouts care. They may not get the government cheese.

People who work for the government and are furloughed care. Don't they know this is just the flip side of all of the free holidays they get?

People wanting to visit the U.S. care. They can't get visas.

The only impact we've seen on our lives in and around my office is that we can't buy any airplanes because the office at the FAA that registers them is closed.

I have thought for years that we would not see another shutdown because nobody involved - Republicans, Democrats, Congress, the President, the media, the military - nobody wants the American public to know how irrelevant most of the Federal Government is to our daily lives.

I guess the morons in Washington forgot that they don't want us to know that.