Thursday, May 16, 2013

Another Couple of Weeks, Another Couple of Pounds

"At this rate, I'll look like a heroin addict by the turn of the century."

Well, the training, sweating, strengthening and progress continues. I wish it was faster, easier, done already, etc. But it isn't. So I'll keep after it.

It's not like the process is all that bad. But it's not impressive either. Kinda like my whole life, in a way.

But I'll get there. I won't be first. I probably won't be last. And I won't fail.

My trainer decided to up the stakes a little this week. We're doing different and harder stuff, and I'm sore all over. But I do feel like I'm accomplishing something, so that's good.

And I walked right by the box of doughnuts this morning at work to get to the fridge where I have a stash of really good, fresh blueberries. (I still want a doughnut.)