Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Who Is Sitting On Whose Ass?

"Fund Programs Individually. Make Cuts Across The Board."

There's so much nonsense talk about the Federal Budget going on out there. Politicians and members of the press are throwing rocks around like hand grenades, talking about how people will be hurt by across the board cuts, and our way of life is at stake, and we'll be thrown into another recession, and it's always the other sides' fault.

Yesterday, the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader exchanged the 'ass' word, telling each other to get off theirs and do what they wanted. Very entertaining. I laughed my ass off.

Everybody knows that the budget (Federal Spending) is insanely out of control. Everybody knows that spending has to decrease and taxes have to increase. Everybody knows that the status quo is unsustainable. But nobody can fix it.

It is simply not within government's scope to get smaller. Anytime anyone talks about cutting spending for a particular program or special interest, they are picking a fight. Someone out there passionately believes in whatever program is being cut, whether it's the military or animal rights advocacy groups. And someone, despite the funding cut to whatever their passion happens to be, will find money to crucify the politician who instigates any such cut on election day.

The only prayer government has for extending its fiscal demise is to implement across the board cuts. Nobody likes them, but everyone will understand them. Personally, I think we should make significant, almost fatal cuts across the board.

Then government can do what it does best. It can go back through the list individually and fund the important programs. The more important the program, the more support it will have for funding and the quicker the funding process will be.

The programs that aren't too important? Well, that's what committees are for.

It's just not that damn hard.