Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Gay Christian's Math Part 3

"Choose quickly therefore, so that I may kill you for making the wrong choice."

Everyone who knows that 8+5=13 also knows that 13-5 better equal 8 and that 13-8 better somehow come out to 5. Later we learn that if A=B and B=C then by definition, A=C.

The entire platform of conservative Christian condemnation of homosexuality is based on the premise that homosexuality is sin. Sin is always a choice. Therefore every homosexual must have chosen to be gay. This is nonsense.

The premise implies that people who are not gay made the choice to be straight. I've never heard any straight man stand up and say, "I looked at my options, and chose to be heterosexual on such and such date." The premise doesn't work backwards.

Nobody chooses their sexual preference. Some bat for both teams, and one could argue that they choose every time they step up to the plate. I think that could be called a talent or a gift, but even that is not a choice, it's just how things are for those people. (Sometimes I wish I could do that.)

Gay=Sin=Choice fails the math test.

I think that's all I have to say about that.