Saturday, June 19, 2010

Moving of Mountains

"Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea."

So far, 2010 has been a year to remember for me personally. I started off the year with four major, deep seated issues I needed to resolve. Three of the four are under control. The third 'mountain' hit the sea last week, and I am overwhelmingly thankful, a little bit proud of myself and completely drained by the process.

The issue I refer to is an IRS audit of the company I work for. It covered three years, and took almost that long to complete. At the end of the day, the IRS said we owed $270,000 for the income adjustments they proposed during the audit. I was finally able to find the problem (which was a big deal), and we finally closed the audit only owing a fraction of that. And it's done. I can think about somethig else now. God, I hope I never have to do that again!