Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Sometimes It's Best To Be Subtle

"Just check your calendar, then go back to your grind."

So it's April 1, and the whole office is expecting something over the top from me for April Fools. I wasn't much in the mood. But I found this on the internet, and made one for our bathroom door.

It was very enjoyable to see people come up, listen attentively, ask questions like, "Who brought live chickens?", or "Is this a real deal?" etc. Of course everyone asked me what (implied 'I') was up to. I claimed not to know, but threw out for consideration that since it was April First, something was probably up and that the sign should probably be considered fair warning.

Several of my coworkers were brave enough to cautiously enter the bathroom and do their business. Several others waited until they saw someone else do it.

Of course, there were no live chickens in the bathroom. But making people wary as they get vulnerable and do what they do there was enough for this year all by itself.