Friday, February 7, 2014

Lack Of Interest

"Not really bored, just bored with this."

Well, obviously my blog is suffering at the moment. I've been trying to figure out why, but I don't have any answers.

It's not that life isn't busy. There's a lot going on. Good, fun, exciting stuff.

It's not like I don't have anything to say. I always have something to talk about. But I will say that I don't like my thoughts very much right now, and I'm not particularly enjoying my theme this year. Perhaps if one loses his mind, he should do it privately and not advertise it all over the internet.

It's not like I'm depressed or melancholy. Actually the year has started out with a flurry of activity - and I was already busy. Life is pretty exciting at work as we expand again and at home as I continue to work out, eat right and avoid tobacco. I am engaged and happy, and all's well.

I think it's more like, "I'd rather DO than TALK just now.

Or perhaps I'd rather talk with somebody rather than just talk.

Anyway, for whatever reason or for no reason at all, I'm bored with the blogging thing for now.

Those of you who actually know me, shoot me an email or give me a call. Everybody else, please check back periodically. Boredom doesn't usually last too long.