Saturday, June 19, 2010

Upside Down Circles

"Turn a circle round and round; Even turn it upside down; It's still a circle"

I guess it's appropriate to add a post about my political point of view. I'm neither liberal nor conservative. I generally think that the world would be a better place without any politicians or government for that matter. (No, I'm not a libertarian either!) We have to have government, and a democracy seems like the best available choice. Government has to interfere with things, but the less interference the better.

Political Science is a disingenuous affair at best. Elections are the issue, not quality government. The will of the masses is what a democracy should represent. Therefore, the will of the masses has to be manipulated by politicians and campaigns to favor or disfavor a particular candidate. The whole things a farce. Quality government is unimportant to the process of government. Besides, there really doesn't seem to be much difference between the two camps anyway.

I think this 21st century round of government will come to a fairly abrupt end sometime soon. The writing is on the wall in western Europe and the U.S. already. The governments that are so important now will spend themselves into bankruptcy. The question is whether they will do it quickly and suddenly (like Greece) or whether they will drag out the process by monetary tricks and slight of hand (like the U.S.).

I believe I think the best course is to elect politicians who promise to spend lots of money regardless of the deficit (Hell, it's already out of manageable control anyway, the government just won't fess up to it). Let's borrow all we can, get all we can get with this non-existent money, then bankrupt the damn thing and start over with something smaller. Whether it's quick or slow, the process will be painful to all and fatal to some. So let's get it done quickly and get on with life.

I do, however, love the passion of those who take stands on political issues. I very much enjoy hearing their arguments, dissecting their positions (and motives), and I appreciate the fervor of it all. I'm not cynical about politics, I just think it's a big game that has nothing to do with life. Nintendo should figure out how to make it run on the Wii.